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3 Allan Wilson Avenue, Greater Avenues
+263 8644 076 265
Magamba Africa


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Magamba africa program

Magamba Africa is newest project of Magamba Network which is centred on the regional expansion, creating collaborations, building coalitions, increasing the visibility, sustainability and identifying like minded organisations to work with across Africa using cutting-edge tools that include digital mobilisation labs (digital advocacy), freedom of expression labs (satire), civic tech (hackathons), green media accelerator lab among many other tools. Magamba Africa is part of the Consortium to Promote Human Rights, Civic Freedoms and Media Development (CHARM) in Sub-Saharan Africa which has seven partners which include CIVICUS, Fojo Media, Wits Journalism, Civil Rights Defenders, DefendDefenders and Réseau des Femmes Leaders pour le Développement (RFLD). Magamba Africa has collaborated with different organisations across the African continent that include People’s Action for Accountability and Good Governance in Zambia which resulted in th Criminal Defamation of the President being abolished, Transparency International Kenya through a web series production tackling illicit financial flows and corruption, Connected Development in Nigeria, WizArts Foundation and Centre for Policy Analysis (CEPA) in Uganda and Bloggers of Zambia

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Moto Republik
Moto Republik

Moto Republik

Moto Republik is the first creative hub in Zimbabwe.
Open Parly
Open Parly

Open Parly

Open Parly is an initiative to promote a new generation of young citizen journalists.
Magaba TV
Magamba TV

Magamba TV

MAGAMBA TV is a leading producer of political comedy and satire.
The FeedZW
The FeedZW

The FeedZW

Magamba’s video-based initiative for young Zimbabwean storytellers.
Film Fellowship
Film Fellowship

Film Fellowship

The Film Fellowship is a joint initiative between Magamba & Accountability Lab Zimbabwe.
Voice 2  Rep

Voice 2 Rep

Voice2Rep is a joint initiative between Magamba & Accountability Lab Zimbabwe.

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