Magamba Africa operates in 7 different African countries and has three streams of work focusing on

Participatory Democracy

Climate Justice

Creative Free Expression
Participatory Democracy

Open Parly Africa

Open Parly seeks to strengthen youth engagement and participation in Parliamentary processes. The Open Parly Africa project has rapidly spread on the continent and currently has operations in Zimbabwe (Open Parly ZW), Zambia (Open Parly ZED), Nigeria (Open Parly Nigeria), Uganda (Open Parly Uganda) and Somalia (Kalfadhi.com). Open Parly’s innovations have received global attention with its powerful X Spaces discussions being officially recognised by X for curating inclusive platforms and being an initiative which seeks to “increase public access to parliamentary affairs in Zimbabwe” and at the same time for hosting a panel discussion to address the pros and cons of mandatory voter registration in Zimbabwe. Open Parly ZW – which reaches over 12 million impressions per month – was nominated at the African Digital Media Awards 2022 as one of the continent’s leading media platforms for Best Audience Engagement.

Magamba is part of the CHARM consortium which aims to defend civic space and support independent media on the African continent. Under CHARM programming, we use digital media and civic tech to open up space. Our Africa-wide digital campaignathons have trained young activists in Nigeria while incubating a successful campaign in Zambia that overturned the Criminal Defamation of The President Law. Meanwhile, our hackathons have helped set up brand new media tech hubs in Kenya and empowered Ugandan human rights defenders with the latest tech to protect themselves.

Climate Justice

Kick Polluters OUT
Kick Polluters out is a movement of African creatives fighting against big polluters and for a just, energy transition. Hosted by Magamba Network, the Kick Polluters Out East Africa hub is run by Buni Media in Kenya while West Africa work is covered by Journal Rappe. We use hip hop, animation, satire and cutting edge youth-focused digital content to inspire young Africans to stand up for climate justice.
In 2024 we launched a campaign against TotalEnergies” sponsorship of AFCON – as this was a cynical greenwashing stunt by one of the biggest polluters on the African continent. The campaign hashtag #KickTotalOutOfAFCON reached over 9 million people and the campaign was featured in more than 26 media outlets globally, including the Daily Mirror (UK), DW (Germany), Le Monde, Daily Maverick, Forbes Magazine, and Citizen TV.

Green Media Accelerator is a cutting edge new space to support climate justice media start-ups from across the continent. We help to mentor and give seed funding to promising young voices who are using digital media to demand climate justice in their various African countries.

Free Creative Expression

Creative South is an alliance of some of Africa’s most innovative hubs. The network was co-founded and hosted by our Moto Republik hub. Creative South exists to support alternative narratives, to grow new audiences, to amplify co- learning between hubs and to build new touring networks in the region. The Creative South members include Moto Republik, Mafalala Museu, Anima, Modzi Arts, Gilbert’s House and Creatives Garage.

Magamba is also part of various key collaborations in Zimbabwe, Africa and the globe.